Superalloy Inconel625/ UNS N06625/ Alloy625 Mugadziri
Available Products
Seamless chubhu, Plate, tsvimbo, Forgings, Fasteners, Pipe Fittings
Mamiriro Okugadzira
Product | ASTM |
Bar | B 446 |
Plate, Sheet uye Strip | B 443, B 906 |
Seamless pombi, chubhu | B 444, B 829 |
Welded pipe | B 705, B 775 |
Welded fittings | B 704, B 751 |
Welded connectors | B 366 |
Forged billets nemabhawa | B 472 |
Forging | B 564 |
Kuumbwa Kwemakemikari
% | Ni | Cr | Mo | Fe | C | Mn | Si | P | S | Co | Nb+Ta | Al | Ti |
Min | 58.0 | 20.0 | 8.0 |
| 3.15 |
Max |
| 23.0 | 10.0 | 5.0 | 0.10 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.015 | 0.015 | 1.00 | 4.15 | 0.40 | 0.40 |
Zvinhu Zvenyama
Density | 8.36g/cm3 |
Melting | 1330-1375 ℃ |
Inconel 625 Zvimiro
1. Yakanakisa ngura kuramba kune akasiyana corrosive media mune oxidizing uye kuderedza nharaunda
2. Kuramba kwakanakisa kugomba ngura uye kukoromoka, uye haiburitse chloride ion stress corrosion kuparuka.
3. Yakanakisa corrosion resistance kune inorganic acids, yakadai senitric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid uye yakasanganiswa acids ye sulfuric acid uye hydrochloric acid, nezvimwewo.
4. Excellent kuramba ngura siyana inorganic acid yakasanganiswa mhinduro
5. Kana tembiricha yasvika 40 ℃, inogona kuratidza kumira kwakanaka kwekuora muzvikamu zvakasiyana zvehydrochloric acid solution.
6. Good workability uye weldability, hapana post-weld cracking senitivity
7. Gadzira certification yemidziyo yekumanikidza ine madziro tembiricha ye -196~450℃
8. Certified by the American Society of Corrosion Engineers NACE standard (MR-01-75) kuti isangane nepamusoro-soro mwero VII wekushandiswa munzvimbo dzakavava gasi.
Inconel625 Nzvimbo dzekushandisa
Iyo yakapfava uye yakanyungudutswa yakaderera kabhoni alloy 625 inoshandiswa zvakanyanya muindasitiri yemakemikari process, uye yayo iri nani inodzivirira ngura uye yakakwirira simba inoita kuti ishandiswe sechinhu chakatetepa chechimiro chechikamu.Alloy 625 inogona kushandiswa mumashandisirwo akazarurwa kumvura yegungwa uye pasi pekunetseka kwakanyanya kwemagetsi.Yakajairika nzvimbo dzekushandisa:
1. Zvikamu zveorganic chemical process ine chlorides, kunyanya panoshandiswa acid chloride catalysts.
2. Digesters uye bleaching matangi e pulp uye mapepa indasitiri
3. Absorption tower, reheater, flue gas inlet baffle, fan (humid), agitator, deflector uye flue in flue gas desulfurization system.
4. Nekugadzirwa kwemidziyo uye zvikamu zvekushandisa munzvimbo dzakaoma gasi
5. Acetic acid uye acetic anhydride reaction generator
6. Sulfuric acid condenser